Make a Donation

Help us keep the spirit of nature and agriculture alive for future generations.

Your donation ensures every child has an opportunity to experience the wonders of nature and the joy of farming.

Sponsor a Family

Your donation will help cover the costs for a family in need.

  • $25-$250 Supports one child for a day.

  • $575.00 Supports one child for a week.

  • $1150.00 Supports a family of two for a week.

  • $1725.00 Supports a family of three for a week.

Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to our mission of connecting children with the wonders of nature.


Sponsor a Tree at Camp White Stag

At Camp White Stag, we believe that every child deserves the joy and learning experiences that come from attending summer camp.

However, we understand that not every family has the financial means to send their children to camp.

This is where you can make a lasting difference.

Choose Your Tree:

  • 🍎 Apple Tree - $600 Donation

  • 🍐 Pear Tree - $500 Donation

  • πŸ‘ Peach Tree - $400 Donation


A Personalized Stone Plaque: A stone plaque will be placed next to your sponsored tree. This plaque will be engraved with an inscription of your choice. Whether it's your name, a loved one's name, or a message close to your heart, this inscription will remind every camper of the supportive community that makes their experiences possible.

An Enduring Legacy: Each sponsored tree will become an integral part of our orchard, providing fruit and a serene natural space for campers to enjoy for years to come. As the tree grows and flourishes, so will your legacy within the Camp White Stag community.

Sponsor a Tree Today